About Farming With Nature

FWN Background

  • Farming with Nature has a landscape-scale approach to biodiversity whereby groups of farmers in a given area will be encouraged to implement a range of habitat improvement measures. This combined, community-based effort is an entirely new approach to environmental management compared to the randomised process of selection in previous agri-environment schemes.
  • Another innovative aspect is the use of a results-based payment scheme where farmers will have each habitat on their farm assessed and scored, with higher quality habitats gaining higher payments.

  • Farming with Nature differs from traditional agri-environment schemes through its use of a results-based payment system i.e. more farmland habitats will result in higher financial payments.

  • An ecologist will work with participating farmers to develop a farm plan and advise on how to maximise the wildlife on their farm, and will focus on important habitats such as hedgerows, bogs, woodland, ponds, derelict buildings etc.

  • Farmers will improve the environment for the wider community and local participation will help forge a strong identity that values local wildlife and the ‘farming with nature’ concept.

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Farming with Nature Goals

  • Work with farmers, ecologists and farm advisors to measure, manage, maintain and enhance biodiversity (and associated ecosystem services) on Irish farms.
  • Develop an information recording and sharing platform.
  • Disseminate learnings from the programme at a national level to create awareness and buy in from the agricultural and local communities.
  • Work with food and beverage processors and marketing bodies to support their business through the production of high-quality products from biodiversity rich Irish farms.
  • Support consumer demand for more agriculturally sustainable products.
  • Support the regeneration of soils and farmlands through dissemination, education and learning.

Representation of how we envision the Farming with Nature programme progressing

We also see linkages with other projects (eg. Danu EIP) to include additional aspects of regenerative or biological farming (e.g. Soil & Water) options for farmers to the platform, all of which are relevant to buyers in the marketplace


Sustainable Development Goals

Alignment with UN SDG’s is another consideration for the current and future development of the Farming with Nature Programme. Goals 12, 13, 15 and 17 are directly addressed through this programme.