The following criteria must be met for an applicant to be eligible for entry to the Farming with Nature programme.
Each applicant must:

• Be eighteen years of age or over on the date of the application.
• Be a food producer selling produce registered with DAFM and/or the FSA where applicable.
• Declare all farm holdings/units/land under their ownership or lease.
Note: Leased land with a duration of 5 years or more must be included. If the terms of lease change the FwN team must be notified in writing within 30 days of change.
• Provide all related herd/producer numbers registered on the applicant farm holdings/units/land.
Note: Farmers with more than one herd/producer number must declare all farm holdings/units farms/land to FwN in order to become a verified member of the programme and use the associated logo.
• Allow a farm habitat survey to be carried out by an approved Ecological Assessor on behalf of FwN.
• Participate in a knowledge exchange session with an approved Ecological Assessor.
• Allow any relevant monitoring, or re-evaluation work carried out by an approved Ecological Assessor.
• Agree to facilitate any additional surveys relevant to biodiversity if requested by FwN.