Benefits to the Farmer :

  • In recent years farmers have come in for criticism from the public for the effect farming is having on the environment. Farming with Nature is an opportunity for farmers to send out a strong signal to the public that this message is being heard.

    Ultimately, our surrounding environment will be the true beneficiaries of “Farming with Nature” but FwN farmers should also benefit. Once certified the food that comes from a FwN farm should be able to command a premium above any other similar food product. At present there is no environmental accreditation for Irish produce, and this is why the FwN certification is so important. It guarantees the consumer a minimum environmental standard from farms where FwN food is produced.

  • For the first time, farmers will receive an environmental payment alongside their food production payment that rewards them for positively  the habitats and on their farms.
  • The link between primary food producers (farmers) and the end users (consumers) will be more transparent, thus sending a clear signal to the farmers as to what the public are looking for when purchasing food in terms of its environmental footprint.
  • The focus on farming will not be solely on production but will highlight the management of the environment in the process.