Joining Farm with Nature

I’m interested in joining FwN, what does it involve?
Signing up can be done by clicking on the blue Sign-Up button at the top of the screen. You will be directed to the FwN App where you can create an account. A short sign-up form can be completed to let us know you’re interested and provides us with the details required for the next steps.

From here you can choose to have the initial mapping of your farm completed, followed by the farm assessment if interested.

For any questions about the process contact the team at _________ and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What’s happens next?
After signing up to Farming with Nature, you can let us know through the App that you request your farm to be mapped. One of our ecologists/ assessors/ ecological assessors will begin the mapping process. Mapping the farm is done remotely at a desktop, where habitats will be added within the farm boundary. This process gives an indication of the Space for Nature on the farm. To get a more detailed assessment of your farm, you can request a Farm Assessment which will provide more accuracy of the Space for Nature on the farm, as well as the opportunity to score the quality of the habitats and get feedback for biodiversity improvement on the farm.
What’s involved in a Farm Assessment?
If you decide to follow through with the FwN process, the Farm Assessment is the next step. This assessment involves the ecologist/ assessor/ ecological assessor walking the entire farm to ground-truth and score the habitats present. This in-person assessment is where the ecologist/ assessor/ ecological assessor can get an on-the-ground impression of the Space for Nature and give farm-specific feedback on where improvements can be made to benefit biodiversity tailored to your farm.

If you would like a farm assessment carried out, simply login though the FwN App to let us know you would like to proceed with this next step and we can arrange a day that suits both parties.